whats up fam....steve sapp....universes...bowery poetry club......baby baby baby....let me tell you....Universes performed at Symphonics for the first time....well known NY performance event......it was cool hanging out before the event with Bob Holman...poetry wizard....owner of the Bowery Poetry Club and old friend....somebody who has seen us grow up in this poetry thing......He kinda reminded me of the long way we have come....How I just wanted to be able to read a poem and have sombody like Bob even hear it. Now here we are kicking it like old jazz musicians at a club talking bout the old days and the new days.....As far as the hit...(we call our performances "hits". This one was fun.....didn't have nothing to prove...good energy and working out some new stuff......damn I love it when we're working. Its not always like this...different hits have different feelings....but this one was fun...Big up to Sean Randall for keeping a good vibe in the room....none of that posing shit......anytime he gives us a call if we can make it work...we'll be there...... Peace
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